• May 3 – May 10 | Poland Only
  • May 3 – May 16 | Poland + 7-Day Israel
  • May 3 – May 18 | Poland + 9-Day Israel
  • May 10 – May 16 or May 18 | Israel Only

Registration is open for the 2024 Adult Delegation to the March of the Living and the program is now 80% full. Reserve your spot with confidence, knowing that your program deposit is fully refundable up to four months prior to the program start date.

"Thou Shalt Not Stand Idly By." - Elie Wiesel

Travel with us on a once-in-a-lifetime journey of remembrance and renewal as part of the Adult Delegation to the International March of the Living.

Together, we'll celebrate the historical achievements of the Jewish People in Europe and bear witness to all that was lost. Our program in Poland will take us to the cities of Krakow, Tarnow, Lublin, and Warsaw, and it coincides with Yom HaShoah (Holocaust Memorial Day), when we will march in unity with thousands of young people from Auschwitz to Birkenau and take part in a special ceremony attended by dignitaries from around the world.

Participants have the option to continue to Israel for a tour designed for travelers returning to the Jewish Homeland anew. Together, we'll make new discoveries in the Carmel Mountains, Ramon Crater, Jerusalem, and Tel Aviv. Our itinerary coincides with the national holidays of Yom HaZikaron (Memorial Day) and Yom HaAtzmaut (Independence Day). Together, we'll observe the national siren where the entire country stands in honor of those lost, and we'll experience the authentic joy of celebrating Israeli independence, dancing in the streets of Jerusalem.

Whether you travel to Poland only or Poland and Israel, you will find the March of the Living for Adults to be a highly emotional experience. More than a tour, this is an opportunity to bear witness to one of history's darkest hours, recommit yourself to the Never Again imperative, and reinforce Jewish values of compassion, tolerance, and action.

March of the Living for Adults is an official delegation to the International March of the Living. Our delegation is jointly organized by BBYO Passport and Authentic Israel and is led by our acclaimed Jewish educators and professional guides.


The following is our projected itinerary, subject to reasonable change based on local considerations:


THURSDAY, MAY 2, 2024 | Depart for Poland

Travelers make their own flight arrangements to Poland and are encouraged to arrive a day in advance at our Krakow hotel by prior arrangement with our office. A recommended flight will be designated for travelers wishing to arrive together on May 3rd with connecting options across North America.  

FRIDAY, MAY 3, 2024 | The Kazmierz Legacy

  • Our recommended flight arrives to Krakow in the late morning
    Travelers arriving on the designated flight and other flights arriving in the same timeframe will be accommodated with a complimentary airport transfer
  • Check-in to our hotel in Krakow – get to know our staff team and get oriented to the experience
  • Introductory walking tour to Kazmierz – Krakow's historic Jewish Quarter
  • Option to experience a Kabbalat Shabbat service in Kazmierz
  • Enjoy a festive Shabbat dinner at the Krakow JCC, now the center of modern Jewish life in Krakow, where we'll meet with a local community leader

OVERNIGHT: Qubus Hotel – Kraków, Poland
Meals Included: Dinner

SATURDAY, MAY 4, 2024 | Shabbat in Krakow

All touring today is on foot

  • Free morning or Shabbat service options followed by a group lunch
  • Honor the achievements of Polish Jewry dating back to the 14th Century – including stops at the Remu Synagogue, Tempel Synagogue, old Jewish cemetery, and Jozefa Street
  • The Galicia Museum – Discover the artfully documented story of Jewish culture and life in this storied region
  • Havdallah – Mark the end of Shabbat and the start of a new week
  • Evening: Explore the grounds of the Wawel Castle and Wawel Cathedral, the historic center of Polish royalty

OVERNIGHT: Qubus Hotel – Kraków, Poland
Meals Included: Breakfast & Lunch

SUNDAY, MAY 5, 2024 | Confronting Auschwitz & Birkenau

  • Arrive at the grounds of Auschwitz II-Birkenau where the full horror of the extermination of 1.5 million Jewish People is palpable (packed lunch provided)
  • Continue to Auschwitz I, where we will tour the watchtowers, fences, cell blocks, wall of death, crematoria, and Arbeit Macht Frei Gate
  • Close out the day visiting the surviving synagogue of Oswiecim, located just minutes from Auschwitz-Birkenau to honor what was lost and to process the experience together
  • Evening: Free evening and dinner on your own in Krakow

OVERNIGHT: Qubus Hotel – Kraków, Poland
Meals Included: Breakfast & Lunch

MONDAY, MAY 6, 2024 | Yom HaShoah – Holocaust Memorial Day

  • Trace the history of the Holocaust at the Krakow Ghetto, the Plaszow Labor Camp and view the Oscar Schindler Factory 
  • Continue on to Auschwitz and join thousands of travelers from around the world for the March of the Living (lunch is provided en route)
  • Take part in the official Yom HaShoah ceremony at Birkenau attended by political leaders and dignitaries from Poland, Israel, and beyond
  • Return to Krakow for a free evening and dinner on your own in Old Town Market Square – the biggest Medieval plaza in Europe

OVERNIGHT: Qubus Hotel – Kraków, Poland
Meals Included: Breakfast & Lunch 

TUESDAY, MAY 7, 2024 | The Galicia Countryside

  • Depart Krakow and travel north through Poland's Galicia countryside (lunch is provided en route)
  • Stop for a solemn visit to the Zbylitowska Góra forest mass grave memorial
  • Break along the way to explore the Castle of Lancut and learn about the local Jewish community with lunch included
  • Arrive to Lublin and enter the Chachmei Lublin Yeshiva, a famed center of Jewish learning and the site of a massive Nazi book burning
  • Check-in to our hotel in central Lublin, followed by a free evening and dinner on your own in Lublin's Old Town district

OVERNIGHT: Hampton by Hilton – Lublin, Poland
Meals Included: Breakfast & Lunch

WEDNESDAY, MAY 8, 2024 | Lublin & Majdanek

  • Morning walking tour in Lublin: The historic Old City, Jewish Ghetto, Maharshal, and Grodzka Gate
  • Arrive to the Majdanek concentration camp, originally set up for prisoners of war but soon turned into an infamous death camp for Jews and Poles (lunch is provided en route)
  • Continue on to Warsaw and check in to our accommodations
  • Free evening and dinner on your own in Old Town Warsaw

OVERNIGHT: The Westin Hotel – Warsaw, Poland
Meals Included: Breakfast & Lunch

THURSDAY, MAY 9, 2024 | Warsaw Ghetto Uprising

  • Uprising! – Explore the remains of the Warsaw Ghetto and learn about the Jewish community's famous revolt along the Route of Heroes and at Rappaport Memorial
  • Umschlagplatz – Gathering place before transfer to Treblinka Death Camp
  • Visit the groundbreaking Museum of the History of Polish Jews (POLIN)
  • Travel north from Warsaw for a solemn visit to the stark Treblinka Memorial
  • Return to Warsaw for a closing dinner and final reflections

OVERNIGHT: The Westin Hotel – Warsaw, Poland
Meals Included: Breakfast & Lunch

FRIDAY, MAY 10, 2024 | The Journey Continues

Transfer to Warsaw airport for onward flights:

  • Flights to North America | Our designated flight departs Warsaw in the early morning (TBD)
    Travelers flying on the designated flight and other flights departing in the same timeframe will be accommodated with a complimentary airport transfer
  • Flights to Tel Aviv | An option group flight will be offered for purchase
    We expect the group flight will take off for Israel either on Thursday evening or Friday in the early morning (TBD)


FRIDAY, MAY 10, 2024 | Baruch HaBah – Welcome back! 

  • Arrive at Tel Aviv's Ben Gurion Airport and ascend to Jerusalem
    Early check-in with breakfast is included at our Jerusalem hotel for travelers to refresh following their flight and recharge for our travels in Israel!
  • Afternoon: Welcome ceremony at the Montefiore Windmill overlook – a symbol of the Jewish community's expansion beyond the Old City walls during the 19th-century Aliyah Movement
  • Enter the Old City to experience Kabbalat Shabbat at the Kotel – the Western Wall – followed by a festive Shabbat dinner at the historic Sephardic Center in the Jewish Quarter joined by special guest Lone Soldiers in the IDF

OVERNIGHT: Herbert Samuel Hotel – Jerusalem
Meals Included: Breakfast & Dinner

SATURDAY, MAY 11, 2024 | Shabbat in Jerusalem

All touring today is on foot

  • Morning Options:
    • Relaxed morning to enjoy Jerusalem on your own or attend Shabbat services
    • Return to the Old City to tour the world heritage sites of the Christian Quarter and Arab Shuk (bazaar), including a visit to the Church of the Holy Sepulcher
  • Shabbat lunch is included at our accommodations
  • Afternoon: Walking tour of Jerusalem's historic Nachlaot neighborhood and explore the graffiti art of Mahane Yehuda that is only visible after market hours
  • Evening: Group night out at the First Station – a vibrant cultural center on the site of Jerusalem's original train station

OVERNIGHT: Herbert Samuel Hotel – Jerusalem
Meals Included: Breakfast & Lunch

SUNDAY, MAY 12, 2024 | The Fabric of Jerusalem

  • View Israeli society through the lens of film at Maale film school – a Jerusalem institution devoted to exploring the intersection of Judaism and modern life
  • Wind through the storied Jerusalem neighborhood of Musrara and sample the multi-ethnic delicacies of Jerusalem's iconic Mahane Yehuda open-air market
  • Gain a new perspective on Haredi (ultra-orthodox) life at the groundbreaking Art Shelter Gallery
  • Evening: Take part in an English-language ceremony commemorating the start of Yom HaZikaron –
    Israel's Memorial Day – at the historic Latrun Fortress (dinner provided)

OVERNIGHT: Herbert Samuel Hotel – Jerusalem
Meals Included: Breakfast & Dinner

MONDAY, MAY 13, 2024 | Remembering the Sacrifice

Today is Yom Hazikaron, Israeli Memorial Day 

  • Relive the reunification of Jerusalem during the Six-Day War at Ammunition Hill
  • Re-enter the Old City at Zion Gate and explore the ancient Jewish Quarter, including a visit to the restored Hurva Shul and the four Sephardic Synagogues
    A minute of silence will be observed during Israel's national Memorial Day siren
  • Break for lunch on own in the Cardo area of the Jewish Quarter
  • View of the Temple Mount from the Aish HaTorah rooftop and explore newly opened discoveries within the Kotel Tunnels complex
  • Depart from Jerusalem and travel to our beachfront accommodations in Tel Aviv, Israel's cultural and commercial capital – dinner is included at our hotel
  • Evening: Join Tel Aviv's Erev Yom HaAtzmaut celebrations!

OVERNIGHT: Carlton Hotel – Tel Aviv
Meals Included: Breakfast & Dinner

TUESDAY, MAY 14, 2024 | Celebrating Independence

Today is Yom HaAtzmaut, Israeli Independence Day

  • Option #1 – Day tour to Masada and the Dead Sea (extra cost)
  • Option #2 – Free day to enjoy Tel Aviv on your own, including the Israeli Air Force flyover
  • Option #3 – Celebrate Independence Day in Jerusalem, taking part in March of the Living's parade from City Hall to the Western Wall
  • Evening: Attend a special Yom HaAtzmaut concert and event sponsored by March of the Living International with dinner included

OVERNIGHT: Carlton Hotel – Tel Aviv
Meals Included: Breakfast & Dinner

WEDNESDAY, MAY 15, 2024 | Arts & Culture in Tel Aviv

  • Volunteer at the Jaffa Institute – An innovative charity dedicated to combating poverty on one of Israel's most diverse and dynamic neighborhoods
  • Discover the secrets to Israel's success at the Peres Center for Innovation in Jaffa
  • Break for lunch on your own in Jaffa with time to explore the Jaffa Flea Market
  • Tour Independence Hall – Explore the story of modern Israel's creation and its founding values
  • Dinner at Balinjera – Enjoy traditional Ethiopian food while being inspired by the restaurant owner's story

OVERNIGHT: Carlton Hotel – Tel Aviv
Meals Included: Breakfast & Dinner

THURSDAY, MAY 16, 2024 | Adaptation & Resilience 

  • Travel to Netiv HaAsara – Learn how this community located along the Gaza border has adapted to its reality by hearing from a resident in this community and taking part in their Wall of Peace project
  • Continue on to Sderot for a view of Gaza, a visit to the innovative JNF underground playground, and a group lunch at Hummus Shel Tahina Restaurant
  • Explore the Bell Caves at Beit Guvrin National Park and stop at Tel Azeqa to learn about the battle of David and Goliath overlooking the site where it happened in the beautiful Ellah Valley
  • Program Options:
    • 7-Day – Return to Ben Gurion Airport for self-booked overnight flights
    • 9-Day – Head north and check in to our hotel in Zichron Yaakov, the historic pioneering town founded by Baron Edmond James de Rothschild in the Carmel Mountains
      Free evening and dinner on own in Zichron Yaakov

OVERNIGHT: Elma Arts Hotel – Zichron Yaakov
Meals Included: Breakfast & Lunch

FRIDAY, MAY 17, 2024 | A Young Nation of Immigrants

  • Celebrate the pioneers who risked it all for a new beginning in the Land of Israel at the First Aliyah Museum
  • Experience how Israel absorbs its immigrants of today at Yemin Orde Youth Village
  • Learn about the remarkable story of Hannah Senesh, a poet and brave Holocaust liberator at Kibbutz Sdot Yam, her home in British Mandate-era Palestine
  • Atlit Detention Camp – Learn about the challenges faced by Jewish refugees arriving on the shores of Israel following the Holocaust
  • Evening: Option to attend Kabbalat Shabbat services at a Reform, Conservative, or Orthodox community synagogue in Zichron Yaakov
  • Share a final Shabbat dinner at our accommodations

OVERNIGHT: Elma Arts Hotel, Zichron Yaakov
Meals Included: Breakfast & Dinner

SATURDAY, MAY 18, 2024 | Shalom U'Lhitraot

  • Relaxed morning to enjoy the resort grounds and amenities
  • Shabbat lunch is included at our accommodations
  • Afternoon walking tour of Zichron Yaakov and visit the Beit Aaronsohn-Nili Museum – Learn about the secret Jewish campaign to support the British during World War I
  • Final group reflections and farewells – an optional evening transfer to Ben Gurion Airport is included for self-booked overnight flights

Meals Included: Breakfast & Lunch

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  • Airport transfers for those traveling on the recommended flight and other similarly timed-flights
  • A Jewish educational guide accompanies the group throughout
  • A local tour manager and security escort accompany the group in Poland
  • Centrally located, 4-star and 5-star hotels per the itinerary
  • Breakfast daily and additional meals per the itinerary
  • Luxury private touring bus with A/C
  • All programming costs per the itinerary
  • VIP reserved seating at the Yom HaShoah (Holocaust Memorial Day) and Yom HaAtzmaut (Israel Independence Day) celebration
  • Remote audio headsets
  • March of the Living backpack and rain jacket


  • International flights
  • Travel insurance
    Protect your investment, and plan ahead for the unexpected with a travel protection plan
  • Medical insurance
  • Staff gratuities
  • Hotel incidentals



Map of Israel Travel Itinerary


Map of Israel Travel Itinerary

Travelers arrange their own trans-Atlantic incoming and outgoing flights. An optional group flight between Warsaw and Tel Aviv is offered for travelers connected from Poland to Israel. Recommended flights are designated for travelers wishing to travel to and from Poland together. These flights are recommended based on the availability of connecting flights from many North American airports. Complimentary airport transfers are provided for travelers flying on the recommended flights or similarly timed flights. Learn More: Travel Plans 2024

NOTE: Travelers wishing to arrive early can be accommodated at the group hotels based on the group hotel rate and according to availability.


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Double Room Occupancy Single Room Supplement
Poland Program
Land costs only
$3,450/p $650/p
Poland + 7-Day Israel Program
Land costs only
$6,100/p $1,650/p
Poland + 9-Day Israel Program
Land costs only
$6,750/p $2,050/p
Warsaw to Tel Aviv flight
Details to be accounted in late 2023
$TBD/p $TBD/p


Sign up for March of the Living for Adults by completing the online Registration Form

  • To reserve your spot, a $250/person fully refundable deposit is due at the time of your registration (all program costs are listed in US Dollars)
  • The deposit becomes non-refundable as of December 15, 2023
  • The balance is due by February 10, 2024, after which all payments are non-refundable and exceptions will be considered on a case-by-case basis at Authentic Israel's discretion
  • Separate payment and cancellation terms may apply to the group flight (TBD)
  • Cancellations must be made in writing, and we encourage you to obtain a travel insurance policy
  • Payments may be made by check or credit/debit card, however, a 3% processing fee applies for credit/debit card payments (does not apply to the initial $250 deposit). Note: credit card fees are not refundable
  • Authentic Israel reserves the right to deny acceptance on the tour according to their sole discretion

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Who staffs the tour?

March of the Living for Adults is led by a professional Jewish educator/guide who escorts the tour on a 24/7 basis. Our program leader is joined by a local tour manager and a security escort in Poland.

Will we be traveling with teens?

March of the Living for Adults is an official part of the overall March of the Living initiative, but we travel independently of the many teen groups who comprise the majority of the program. We stay at separate hotels, have separate meals, and we travel with our own separate staff team. For those who wish, there will be opportunities for some shared moments with the BBYO National Teen Delegation.

How active is the touring?

March of the Living for adults is intended for active adult travelers. Our days are full of experiences designed to provide you with as complete and as emotionally rich an experience as possible. Although the program does not have age guidelines, the itinerary involves a good amount of walking and some long travel days in general.

How many people travel in a group?

For 2023, we plan to host no more than 30-35 adult travelers per group, and we intend to host two or three groups in Poland and one group in Israel.

Is the tour kosher and Shabbat observant?

March of the Living for Adults is a pluralistic Jewish travel experience open to all. Group meals are kosher and other meals are on own at the traveler's discretion. All touring on Saturdays is on foot, and there are opportunities to participate in local Shabbat services.

How are special dietary needs accommodated?

Travelers can note any special dietary needs as part of online registration. We will coordinate with our catering partners to arrange special accommodations wherever possible.

Can I leave Poland or Israel earlier than the official dates?

Yes. Please contact us to make special arrangements.

How do I get ready for the trip?

Detailed pre-trip material is distributed approximately four months prior to arrival and travel planning guidance is available now. You'll also be invited to a trip Facebook group to connect with fellow travelers before the program and stay in touch afterward.

How does Authentic Israel approach safe travel?

Providing safe travel experiences is our guiding consideration. We appreciate our responsibility and the trust that travelers place in us. We care about their well-being like family. Key security-related protocols that we follow include:

  • Traveling on private transportation only
  • Traveling with a licensed Israeli guide at all times who has been trained in security response
  • Traveling with a security escort (Poland)
  • Avoiding travel to areas of heightened concern
  • Use of hotels with a guard and a secure area (Israel)
  • 24/7 support from our headquarters office in Israel
  • Close coordination with the Israeli security services via the "Situation Room"
  • Willingness and ability to modify our programming, staffing structure, and/or overall protocols as needed based on actual conditions where we travel.

Finally, in the rare event of an acute security event, we have issued full refunds in the past, and we will continue to follow this principle should we deem the situation appropriate.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to us to learn more about our approach to providing travel experiences that are safe, meaningful, and joyous.

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We know you’ll love the March of the Living experience, but don’t just take our word for it. Check out these real reviews from past travelers who have completed the journey.

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